Benefits of Drinking Plenty of Water

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Benefits of Drinking Plenty of Water

Benefits of Drinking Plenty of Water


Water is indispensable for us humans. Drinking enough fluids is healthy: It stimulates metabolism and improves concentration, smoothes the skin, prevents headaches, suppresses appetite and improves physical fitness. However, even with water, it creates an overdose of poison.

Humans can survive thirty days without food, three days without water, and three minutes without oxygen – these three rules show how important water is to us. More than half of the body is made up of it, and we need fluid, for example, as a thermoregulator, transport medium, and solvent. For this, it depends on supplementation: Since we lose about 2.5 liters of water every day through the skin, respiration, feces and urine, we need to make up for the deficit by drinking.

How many liters of water per day is healthy?

One and a half to two liters a day is recommended, and in hot weather this can go up to three liters. It makes sense to drink water regularly throughout the day. However, how often and how much water should be drunk depends on individual factors such as age, climate, physical exertion and the water content of the food.

If we drink too little fluid, this can have consequences for the organism. Dark urine and headaches are warning signs that everyone should watch out for. If you are afraid of drinking too little water, you can use small tricks to increase the amount you drink, such as drinking a glass of water with each meal or adding lemon to the water.

What happens to the body when you drink too much?

Water is not only healthy, as it is for many other substances, the same is true for our fluid balance: the poison is the dose: too much is unhealthy. Drinking too much water disrupts the body’s metabolism and mineral balance. In the worst case, having too little sodium in the blood can lead to what’s known as water intoxication.

Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking plenty of water has many benefits. First of all, water is an essential substance needed by all cells in the body and is necessary for all processes in the body. Water ensures the elimination of toxins in the body, accelerates metabolism and maintains electrolyte balances in the body. In addition, drinking water maintains the brightness and elasticity of the skin, maintains oral and dental health, and also aids weight loss. The importance of drinking enough water per day should not be forgotten.

Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

Benefits of Drinking Plenty of Water

Drinking water on an empty stomach is a health practice, especially right after getting up in the morning. With this application, the benefits of drinking water for the body are increased. Drinking water on an empty stomach accelerates the elimination of toxins in the body, accelerates metabolism and supports the function of the gallbladder. At the same time, drinking water on an empty stomach preserves the brightness and elasticity of the skin, protects oral and dental health, and also helps to lose weight. Therefore, drinking water on an empty stomach immediately after getting up in the morning is important for a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Some benefits of drinking hot water can be:

  • Hot water accelerates the elimination of toxins in the body and accelerates metabolism.
  • Hot water relaxes the respiratory system and prevents respiratory ailments such as colds and flu.
  • Hot water relaxes the digestive system and promotes stomach and intestinal health.
  • Hot water is a good remedy against stress, tension and sleep problems as it has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.
  • Hot water maintains the skin’s radiance and elasticity and maintains a healthy appearance of the skin.
  • Hot water protects oral and dental health.

However, drinking hot water can also have some risks. For example, drinking hot water can increase the risk of burns, and care should be taken when drinking hot water because hot water can cause severe burns. Also, drinking hot water can cause stomach upsets in some people.

I wish you pleasant days.

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